The world’s only Equator Race! – Neptune Regatta

Every Lunar New Year we race to the Equator in an event known as the Neptune Regatta. This year had 6 Corsair Dashes make the dash. This year we were in the company of a 42' Tri and a Stealth catamaran. Next year we are hoping we can pump the Dash Class out to [...]

By | 2022-05-13T09:23:39+07:00 March 16th, 2018|Racing|Comments Off on The world’s only Equator Race! – Neptune Regatta

Folding Corsair Trimarans: Legendary Ability, Unbeatable Reliability

Corsair trimarans fold on water, off water and with effortless ease. Most models fold within the width of similar-lengthed monohulls! This allows a level of versatility unachievable in a conventional trimaran due to the huge beam required for high performance sailing. Simply put, in our 30 year experience, for a trimaran to be viable [...]

By | 2022-07-20T16:47:25+07:00 March 8th, 2018|Blog, Technical Articles|Comments Off on Folding Corsair Trimarans: Legendary Ability, Unbeatable Reliability

2018 Sarasota Bay Multihull Regatta

With 17 Corsairs registered for the 2018 Sarasota Bay Multihull Regatta (SBMR) this was bound to be a great event. Competition was tough in all categories as teams battled it out for first place. The regatta was held a little later in the year than usual which made for some spectacular weather and a [...]

By | 2022-05-13T09:47:20+07:00 March 5th, 2018|Uncategorized|Comments Off on 2018 Sarasota Bay Multihull Regatta

Sailing the Pulse 600 was just wicked fun!

Sailing the Pulse 600 was just wicked fun! After a long anticipated wait, I was lucky enough to get out for a sail recently onboard the all new Corsair Pulse 600 trailer trimaran following its world launch at the Sanctuary Cove Boat Show. Designed by Francois Perus of Perus Yacht Design, the Pulse [...]

By | 2022-05-12T15:31:55+07:00 November 9th, 2017|Blog|Comments Off on Sailing the Pulse 600 was just wicked fun!